
"A word after a word after a word is power."
- Margaret Atwood, Author of The Handmaid's Tale
From a young age, I discovered worlds within words; parting the proverbial coats, I entered a Narnia of my own making. The written word possesses such beauty, depth, and power.
Yet, for many, the magic and riches of language seem out of reach. Without the tools, writing can appear to be an impossible task...myriad moving parts—how does one even use a semicolon?
With over 12 years of private writing coaching and 6 years teaching middle and high school English in independent schools, I enjoy helping students to love -- and harness -- the written word. Students gain confidence and delight in their expanding capacities. They make and discover their own Narnias. They communicate and develop their ideas, becoming master producers and consumers of language. They tattoo books with the sophisticated annotation systems that they develop. They analyze literature and construct meaning. They learn to love poetry!
Together, we tailor a personalized approach, so our time proves meaningful and useful. Many students go on to win national writing contests!
​Topics include:
The Writing Process
Genre Study
Audience and Perspective
Grammar for Clarity and Style
Figurative Language
Vocabulary and Word Choice
and more!